Saturday, March 18, 2006

Google now expected to take control of the Universe

Google isn't just a cute little search engine anymore. Besides being added to the English language as a verb, Google also has a popular e-mail service (the host of my current main e-mail address) and several mapping services (e.g. Google Local and Google Earth). Also, Google has gobbled up Writerly. I'm not sure what Writerly is, but if Google bought it, it must be pretty cool.

But it's Google's mapping service that seems to be going universal. On a ZDNet post, Garett Rogers mentioned that Google now has a service similar to Google Local (a/k/a Google Maps) called "Google Mars". So if you ever wanted to take a trip to Utopia Planitia (yes, I admit to be a fan of Star Trek: The Next Generation), Google Mars tells you exactly where you need to land your spaceship. For people that want to stay a little closer to Terra, they can choose to visit Earth's own natural satellite at Google Moon. The Moon and Mars seem to be the only extra-terrestrial options right now as I couldn't find an official list and my other attempts (such as "" and "") returned "Server not found", but I bet more are coming. I'm not sure how fun Mercury would be, but I'm looking forward to checking out Venus.

By the way (and back on Earth), Google bought Blogger a while back, too. (That's service that I use to blog with.)

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