Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Bush is ahead in the polls!

I've got a couple guesses on why Bush is ahead in the latest polls.

Who speaks clearly about the defense of America?

John Kerry at the UNITY 2004 Conference:
I believe I can fight a more effective, more thoughtful, more strategic, more proactive, more sensitive war on terror that reaches out to other nations and brings them to our side and lives up to American values in history.

George W Bush at the Republican National Convention:
Do I forget the lessons of September 11th and take the word of a madman, or do I take action to defend our country? Faced with that choice, I will defend America every time.

Whose economic judgement do you trust?

John Kerry at Democratic National Convention:
The story of people struggling for health care is the story of so many Americans. But you know what, it's not the story of senators and members of Congress. Because we give ourselves great health care and you get the bill.
George W Bush at the Republican National Convention:
To be fair, there are some things my opponent is for -- he's proposed more than two trillion dollars in new federal spending so far, and that's a lot, even for a senator from Massachusetts. To pay for that spending, he is running on a platform of increasing taxes -- and that's the kind of promise a politician usually keeps.

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